Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Memphis, back to school, and praying for a fast Fall...

This past weekend, Will and I went to Memphis to visit his parents and grandparents. Before Will and I started dating, the only times I ever had gone to Memphis was for tennis tournaments and college matches. Needless to say, my opinion of the city was not too high. Now, however, it is one of my favorite places to visit! Will's parents live in East Memphis and I think it's such a neat area of the city. The houses are older, and there are so many good restaurants around. Plus, we are only a few minutes drive from the midtown Memphis or downtown. On Saturday morning, we had plans to go rent SUP boards and paddle at Shelby Farms, which is this huge park in the middle of the city. However, the person in charge of the rentals never showed up! I was so disappointed! Luckily, Will knew how to make me feel better and took me to Target. :)

For the rest of the weekend, we ate good barbecue, ate Suzanne's delicious cooking, ate in Midtown Saturday night, and just relaxed. So...basically...we ate and sat. Saturday afternoon Will and I also drove to Germantown to indulge in one of my favorite hobbies, "Anthropologie browsing." Poor Will. He's really just such a good fiance. 

Though we never got to paddle board, the weekend was just so much fun and the perfect end to my four week break from school. My allergies had been bothering me so much the previous week (and still are!) and it was nice to spend some time not doing a whole lot of anything. 

As of last night, I have officially started my Fall semester. I have 12 hours worth of classes, and on top of working full time and trying to get more wedding things taken care of...I am a little stressed out by just thinking about the next three and a half months. Will and his parents will be in town for Labor Day weekend and the first football game. We then skip a weekend and everyone will then be here for our engagement party! The NEXT weekend Will and I travel to Chattanooga and Huntsville for our first premarital counseling session, and then two weekends from then, I will spend back to back weekends in Mobile. And in case you haven't been able to keep up with all of that, that will officially put us into the middle of OCTOBER! Time really is flying by. Will and I always laugh because we get so tired of hearing people tell us "how quickly our wedding day is going to get here." But...it just doesn't seem possible that we are almost at the end of August! I really think that in the midst of school, work, seeing Will as often as we're going to this Fall (!!!!!!!), and wedding planning, it is going to be December before we know it! In the meantime, with all of our traveling in the horizon, I am making it my own personal goal to try and never have school work to get done on the weekends. I want to be able to spend all of my free time with Will when he is in town or I am in Mobile and not have to worry about an assignment due. We'll see how that goes. It is hard for me to feel relaxed during the semester. Even if I am somewhat caught up on my work load, I always feel like there is something looming ahead in the distance. Luckily, as a side note, this is my second to last semester! It seems hard to believe. Unluckily, next spring is going to be CRAZY. But...I can get to that later. Hope everyone had a great weekend as well and enjoyed the incredible Fall-like weather we had!


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